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Food Nutrition Tutorial 1
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Malnutrition Analysis 1: A- Introduction- 09-29-2017- v210a

This reference explains how to start to collect, measure, and analyze malnutrition data (2). DevTreks believes that all malnutrition data, from the nutritional status of Brooklyn kids to Nepalese farmworkers, has stories to tell and lessons to teach. Those lessons can only be learned when data about malnutrition is collected, measured, aggregated, analyzed, explained, and saved in online knowledge banks. Full, uniform, and accurate analyses of the nutritional status of Bangladeshi children, Appalachian seniors, California farmworkers, and Nicaraguan factory workers, should be one or two links away for everyone. If a malnutrition expert, business owner, government official, or nonprofit member, needs to make a decision involving malnutrition, they should have ready access to the best data and advice available. This reference introduces another DevTreks way to build these types of knowledge banks.

B- Background

The objective of malnutrition improvement interventions is to support decisions that involve scenarios similar to the following agricultural development and malnutrition project (USAID, 2012). The image shows that malnutrition projects may need to be integrated into other development purposes as well, such as agricultural development, or food supply, programs.

Mixed Crop Nutrient Production

Analysis of the nutrient content of this cropping system reveals ...


    Video Example

    Demonstrates how to tie video to content.


    Malnutrition Example

    10 second video demonstrating multimedia management.

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      Dataset: Malnutrition Analysis Introduction IRI This tutorial explains the importance of cloud computing food nutritional analysis.

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